Anyway, the error is:
The requested list key 'sortTypeList' could not be resolved as a collection/array/map/enumeration/iterator type.After some investigation, I figured out the reason being that there is a piece of code in the action method to prepare this list to be dispalyed on the jsp page as a drop down list:
sortTypeList=new ArrayList(); sortTypeList.add(new KeyValueVO("id", getText(""))); sortTypeList.add(new KeyValueVO("name", getText("")));
When the validation fails, this piece of code won't run, leaving the list not being populated. Where KeyValueVO is a class contains two Strings: key and value.
To avoid this, Struts 2 provided an interface Preparable, which has one method:
public void prepare();
I made the action implement Preparable interface and moved the above code to inside prepare method. It worked properly.
My action also contains a few other method for different actions, not all of them will need populate this list. I made the method prepare empty, and move the code to new methods named as prepare
prepareSort() { // will run before sort() ... prepareSearch() { // will run before search() ...The prepare methods are invoked by the interceptor below:
<interceptor-ref name="prepare"/>So, you'll need to make sure it is on the interceptor stack and it appears before interceptor "validation".
<interceptor-ref name="prepare"/> ... <interceptor-ref name="validation"/>The preparable interceptor supports a parameter: alwaysInvokePrepare. By default it's true, meaning the prepare methods will run.
There are more details can be found in, and this link shows an additional solution:
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