Friday, February 16, 2007

Get Month End in SQL Server

SQL Server doesn't have a function to get the month end. Here shows one I wrote:

 ALTER  function dbo.sp_getmonthend ( @inputDate    DATETIME )
   This function returns the month end of a specific date.
     DECLARE @outputDate        DATETIME

     select @outputDate = CAST(YEAR(@inputDate) AS VARCHAR(4)) + '-' +
                        CAST(MONTH(@inputDate) AS VARCHAR(2)) + '-01'
     select @outputDate = dateadd( day, -1, dateadd( month, 1, @outputDate ) )
     return @outputDate
Since there is 1st in every month, we forward 1 month from 1st of the month and backward a day.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Undrop table in Oracle

I don't "undrop" table a lot. So once when I tried to "undrop" a table, I got an error:

sql> undrop table test1;
SP2-0734:unknown command beginning "undrop tab..." - rest of line ignored.

Well, I soon found, it's not "undrop", instead:

SQL> flashback table test1 to before drop rename to test2;
Flashback complete.

You can rename it if the previous name has been used by others.